Thursday, October 4, 2012


1)      What was the main Stieglitz's interest? What's Pictorialism and what is Naturalism? Did he stay devoted to this movement?  What do you see on his photographs?

Stieglitz’s interest was to show the changes happening in America during that time and how the country was building relationship with other neighboring countries and was not considered as an isolated. His pictures showed the transformation New York went through after building of skyscrapers, “American culture was redefining its fundamental ways of seeing, thinking and experiencing the world is the subject of the first full-length film biography of the photographer "Alfred Stieglitz - The Eloquent Eye. “Stieglitz was interested into Pictorial Photography, which is a style of pictures that states their own artistry and the meaning behind it. The atmosphere, kind scenes, and tones are the few elements that were mostly applied on pictorial photographs. Another concept is Naturalism which sharply concentrated on a subject and close details faded away.

2)      What was White's impact on photography as a medium? What do you see on his photographs?
White believed that taking photographs and examining photographs was a spiritual act. White's writings stressed and encouraged his thoughts as in Mirrors, Messages, and Appearance. Absolutely, Whites pictures shows pictures of natural resources and its effects on nature. White's impact on photography was his interest on how the viewer corresponds to what they feel about the image.
White says: “We remember images that we want to remember. The reason why we want to remember an image varies: because we simply "love it," or dislike it so intensely that it becomes compulsive, or because it has made us realize something about ourselves, or has brought about some slight change in us. Perhaps the reader can recall some image, after the seeing of which, he has never been quite the same.”

3)     What do you see on Man Ray's photos? Are they similar or absolutely different than Stieglitz’s photos?
Man Rays Photos are mostly of women. He works with collage, assemblage, found objects, and experimental photography, creating “camera-less” photographic and he also created a technique using photograms he called rayographs, which he described as "pure dadaism".Stieglitz photos are fixated on the naturalism and surroundings of the image.

 4) What do you see on Moholo-Nagy's photographs?
Moholo-Nagys Photographs present his imagery through the new technology of interactive computer systems. Moholy-Nagy counted among his artistic roles those of photographer, filmmaker, typographer, painter, sculptor, writer, graphic designer, stage designer, and teacher; he was also enthusiastic about employing new media when exploring new ideas of creative expression.

5)     Are these photographers painters? Do they all paint with their cameras or maybe only some of them?
  All these photographers are painters and photographers as they work with their knowledge of art and to make the picture look more like painting. Their photographs show us their experience of knowledge through their course of different education they got.
Reference:ászló Moholy-Nagy
Moholy-Nagy @ Getty
The Art Institute of Chicago Collection

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