Henri Cariter Bresson
Che Guevara ( Popular cropped version of Guerrillero Heroico. Photograph by Alberto Korda)
I choose this picture as this is a famous picture of the Che Guevara whose picture is posted on bags and T shirts. Henri Cartier Bresson liked to take pictures of famous political leaders that made major impact on the country. Henri Cartier Bresson likes to take pictures of famous celebrities and political leaders that change the history of that country or the world and he also like taking pictures of the events that took place like the picture he took Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 before he was assasinated. This picture shows the most important figures in Cuban Revolution.
His name Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi who through peace got their country back from the British Empire. Henri Cartier Bresson images revealed the early raw possibilities of street photography and photojournalism in general.
By Max Desfor
Mohandas Gandhi, right, talks with Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru in 1946. Gandhi, who died in 1948, led nonviolent protests to push for India's freedom from British rule. Local Indian organizations are planning events for Oct. 2, Gandhi's birthday.
This photograph shows Mahatma Gandhi and Jawahalal Nehru having conversation despite of the suffering and hunger Indian people went through because of the British Rule in India and Gandhis attempts to get independence from British Empire through non violence. True events in history of India .
CHINA. Beijing. December 1948. A mother huddles her baby close to her, hoping that her sign will bring help. A refugee in the big city. She has written "I am called Sun. My husband died of illness. We are strangers in this town. We have no means of existence. I am obliged to ask charity of those who have kind hearts".
This picture taken during Chinese Revolution shows how the people were suffering during the war and how their lives were affected which made this mother beg in the streets so that her children wouldnt go hungry. Henri Cartier liked to show the impact the war had on the public and how people of that particular country was suffering and war had no meaning shows how he believed in peace.
This picture taken during Chinese Revolution shows how the people were suffering during the war and how their lives were affected which made this mother beg in the streets so that her children wouldnt go hungry. Henri Cartier liked to show the impact the war had on the public and how people of that particular country was suffering and war had no meaning shows how he believed in peace.
Heri liked to capture images in history showing the people of other world about the country like India showing how it is in India
Henri Cartier and Robert Capa work was similar showing true events in history to people of the other countries about the War but Henri Cartier focused more on the public of the country on how they were coping and as well as the political leaders where as Robert Capa captured pictures mostly of the soldiers during the war.
Henri Cartier liked to capture the true events in history and famous celebrities like Marilyn Monroe and Coco Chanel who was the first women in Fashion industry to dress like a man.
Cartier-Bresson traveled east, spending time in India, where he met and took pictures of Mahatma Gandhi before his assassination in 1948. Henri Cartier work to capture Gandhi's death and its impact on the country became one of Life Magazine's most prized photo essays.
Henri Cartier-Bresson's interest in the world which led him on a three-year journey through Asia. When the he returned to France in 1952 he published his first book, "The Decisive Moment."
He was there for the Spanish Civil War and the Chinese revolution. His work ranged from Che Guevara to Marilyn Monroe , including Harpers Bazaar and Vogue and many others. In his later years he quit Magnum and focus on Drawing and painting.
In 2003, Cartier-Bresson, along with his wife and daughter, took an important step in securing his legacy as an artist with the creation of the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris in an effort to preserve his work. On his 96th birthday, Henri Cartier-Bresson passed away at his home in Provence on August 3, 2004.
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