Thursday, December 13, 2012

week 14


After Alteration

How photographs in the media betray us?
Photographs in media betray us by altering the images and making us believe the remade photographs were real. Photographers shouldn’t go to the extent where it makes major impact in other people’s lives as the photograph posted by Brian Walski. Photojournalist has to follow the code of ethics set for them but still few photographers still alter images to this day. Some get caught and get fired while others who continue to alter images. Photographs must be truthful like Long said and correcting the technical deficiencies must be limited where they can only crop or correct exposure and light balance. They shouldn’t add or remove objects where it changes the original picture. They tamper with photographs and some even stage their photos which are against the code of ethics and they believe that audience wants that. Audience such as myself do want stage photographs but not to the extent where the truth is tampered with.
When going through the notes on alterations and audience response. Audiences were acceptable on alterations compared to photographers. Examples of Abrahim Lincoln picture which was originally published in 1826 was later tampered with and shown with the head of politician John Calhoun. Photographers can’t take other picture and show them as their own, this is like stealing and saying that it was your own. Most of the photojournalist find it unethical and unacceptable (82.3%) while audience response were only 50.2 %.

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